NEW Job Board for Ukrainians, Click Here. | Інформаційна допомога для новоприбулих тут

Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta

Volunteer Sign-Up Link

What Is The Ukrainian Newcomer Furniture Warehouse (UNFW)?

Many Ukrainians coming to Canada under the CUAET visa were forced to leave their lives behind due to the devastating war in Ukraine. With these unfortunate circumstances, Ukrainians are facing financial hardships as they attempt to restart their lives in a new country.

That is why we have started the UNFW, a free furniture store dedicated to providing basic furniture necessities to Ukrainian newcomers fleeing the war. The warehouse space was graciously donated by the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Lodge 146, located at 15330-114 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta. The hours of operation are Saturday & Sunday 12:00-4:00 PM.

Who Is This Role Designed For?

This role is for anyone looking to help out the Ukrainian community in Alberta through volunteer work. We are looking for both short-term and long-term volunteers to ensure things run smoothly. 


If you are looking to be a short-term volunteer you can simply sign up here. If you are looking to be a long-term volunteer, please e-mail your resume to with the subject line “General Volunteer Resume”. 


So what is the difference between a short-term and long-term volunteer? Short-term volunteers can simply sign up using the link provided and do not have a scheduled day that they come. Short-term volunteers can choose to only volunteer once, twice or however many times they would like. Long-term volunteers will commit to a weekly date and time, for example, every Tuesday from 6-8 PM for 2 months. Their schedule will be set up by the UCC-APC volunteer coordinator after an interview. 


UNFW FaceBook Group

The UNFW FaceBook page is regularly updated to keep you in the loop.

Click here to view the page!

UCC APC is searching for volunteers