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Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
UCC-APC Greetings on the 20th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence


On behalf of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress-Alberta Provincial Council and all its member organizations, we extend our warm greetings to Alberta’s Ukrainian community on the celebratory occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence.

It was twenty years ago that people of Ukraine, with genuine support from international communities, including that from Ukrainian Canadians, finally overcame the oppression of the Soviet Union and emerged as a free, independent, and sovereign nation.

With all of Ukraine’s accomplishments over the past 20 years, the nation still has many challenges to overcome in order to guarantee the same democratic and economic freedoms for its citizens as we enjoy in Canada.  Albertans of Ukrainian descent and our organized community are ready to assist in the further development of a democratic and civil society in Ukraine.

We invite you to join us at the 20th Anniversary celebrations in Edmonton and Calgary organized by our member UCC branches in these cities.Show your support for Ukraine today.

Слава Україні!

З повагою,
Дарія Луців, Президент