50th Anniversary Agenda & Speakers click  Here  |  Register Here

Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
120th Anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada logo unveiling


120th Anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada logo unveiling
Ggreetings from UCC APC President and UCC National Vice President Daria Luciw 
Всечесні Отцi,
Представники родин Паішів,
Пилипових і Тичковських,
Панe Аллред, Пані та панове!
Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress in Canada and our national president Paul Grod, and as President of the Congress in Alberta, I am very honoured to be here today bringing greetings at such a historic occasion.  And how appropriate that we are at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village – a provincial historic site envisioned by a local Ukrainian farmer who donated this land to the Province of Alberta for a permanent site reflecting the early life of Ukrainian pioneers in east-central Alberta. Today we are honouring the first families who arrived in a cold, rugged and unwelcoming Canada – families who dreamed of a better life for themselves and a brighter future for their children.  They came to this country which sought out these hard working people from Western Ukraine, and despite unimaginable physical, mental and emotional hardships, they cleared forests, tilled the soil, built churches and raised families.  Ultimately, these Ukrainian immigrants did exactly what Sir Clifford Sifton has envisioned – they populated and developed the wild Canadian west, and they did so successfully. Along the way however, Ukrainian Canadians experienced many obstacles including very public racism and discrimination, and the internment of Ukrainian Canadians during and after WWI.  Some chose to change their last names and either ‘forget’ their lineage or become ‘closet’ Ukrainians, as the public ridicule was difficult to bear. What most did not know is that perseverance, resilience and sheer tenacity is in our genes, as Ukrainians have survived and overcome centuries of persecution, only to rise on top. Today it is interesting to note that many of the slurs and negativity thrown at the first waves of Ukrainians arriving in Canada are unimaginable as we look at Ukrainian Canadians in today’s society.  Proud Ukrainians fill the ranks of every profession.  Many Ukrainian Canadians have died for this country and have been awarded the highest medals of service and bravery.  Names like Yuzyk, Andreychuk, Romanow, Hnatyshyn, and Stelmach have adorned some of the highest offices in our country.   Many highly successful Canadian fashion designers are of Ukrainian heritage.  People of all ethnicities enjoy our cuisine and attend concerts presented by the many successful dance troupes which populate this country.  And low and behold – garlic is sought out as a healthy, holistic addition in everyone’s diets – there are even garlic festivals! How times have changed. While we enjoy achievements of the past 120 years, we cannot do so without remembering and thanking those first pioneers who had the vision of a better life and the strength to retain their language, culture and history in a new land and pass this on to subsequent generations.  We are now the keepers of this knowledge in our adopted homeland.  It is up to us to honour those who gave so much and respect and retain the legacy of their hardwork, their love of our Ukrainian culture and love of this bountiful land – Canada. Daria Luciw

Easter Greetings from the UCC-APC President Daria Luciw
Easter is a very special time of year filled with beautiful traditions and rejuvenation of our spirit and intentions. Friends and family gather to share the hope and joy of all which Easter signifies. We wish you an Easter filled with your favorite traditions and happy new memories, but most of all, an Easter that renews your faith, uplifts your spirit, and fills your heart with joy! Christ in Risen!

Великоднє привітання Президента КУК-ПРА Дарії Луців
Великдень несе нам радість перемоги Сина Божого, дарує надію та впевненість у завтрашньому дні, поселяє спокій у серцях, укріпляє віру та живить душу. Тож нехай Божа милість та благословення оросять ваше життя, а мир, любов та злагода запанують у Вашій оселі. Зичимо Вам гарного настрою, відмінного здоров’я, сімейного затишку, незмінного успіху та здійснення усіх задумів! Христос Воскрес!