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Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta

Who Is This Role Designed For?

Here at UCC-APC, we have specifically designed volunteer opportunities for students attending high school or university. Student volunteers will have the opportunity to build their resumes, make lasting connections and take on leadership roles while supporting settlement of Ukrainians in Alberta and supporting the broader Ukrainian Community.


We understand that school can get busy so that’s why our minimum volunteer commitment is only 2 hours a week during the school year (September – April), for a total of 60 hours for the year. Upon completion of 60 hours, you will receive a certificate acknowledging the hours completed along with the possibility of a professional reference for future endeavors.


Most frequent questions and answers

There will be multiple volunteer opportunities throughout the year, including supporting our office, helping coordinate community events, assisting the UCC Free Furniture Warehouse, and much more! You will be matched up to an opportunity based on your interest and availability.

Yes, you are required to track and validate your hours.

No! Ukrainian is an asset, but not required.

No, if you wish to volunteer outside of the school year (May-August) you absolutely can. We will have a variety of exciting opportunities during the summer.

The UCC-APC office is located at #8 8103-127 Avenue. You also may be matched to the furniture warehouse located at 15330-114 Avenue.

Yes, if you would like to work more hours you absolutely can

Yes, you will have to complete a minimum of 60 hours to receive a certificate, if you are a few hours short or miss a scheduled volunteer opportunity you can make up the missed volunteer time at any point.

If you choose to work less than 60 hours you will not receive a certificate, but we will be happy to verify any hours you worked if you require a certain number of hours for school, a professional program or other opportunities.